Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Here goes..

I never intended to start a blog. But shit changes. 

I guess when you have random thoughts running through your head, sometimes you just need to GET IT OUT. There are lots of things that I could write about and I'm positive I'll touch on those subjects eventually. 

What consumes my brain the most though, is love. I hate it. I love it. So why not write about it.. 

I'm going to need to collect my thoughts before I write my first "official" blog. Ok, maybe not 'collect' my thoughts, but organize them. The 'love' section of my brain is equivalent to the aftermath of a tornado. Shit is all over the damn place. I'll warn you now though.. Sometimes I won't collect my thoughts and I'll just ramble on about crap. But if you have half a damn brain or decent comprehension skillz, I'm sure you'll be smart enough to figure it out. 

So, that being said.. I'm going to get my shit together and start on my first official blog tomorrow. 

Look out world. <3

P.S.: My mouth doesn't have a filter, so if you are easily offended by potty mouth (and lots of it), I suggest you go find a blog written by a kindergartner or a nun. :)

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