Sunday, March 4, 2012

What exactly is that shit?

Merriam Webster defines love as : strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties <maternal love for a child> (2) : attraction based on sexual desire : affection and tenderness felt by lovers (3) : affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests <love for his old schoolmates>

Who in the fuck uses those definitions for love? I sure as hell don't. 

Yeah, it's a logical definition for love. But if you think about it, what does love mean to the average person? 

To me, it depends on the type of love.. We have love for our kids, our family, our friends, etc. But obviously the type of love I am focusing on is relationship love. 

I see love for the opposite sex in many different facets. Let's say I meet someone. We date, hang out, whatever. The more time we spend together, the more you learn about that person and the more you see the things you like about them.. Or in some instances, it's just not happening for you and you go your separate ways. I think the defining moment of actually realizing you are in love with someone hits you 938570243 different ways. 

Me, for instance... Little things matter most. Having someone around that is accepting of how much of a wild child I am, is really paramount. I'm WEIRD. Let's face it. If you know me, I'm a fucking reeeeeeeeeeetard. I am all over the place, I'm loud, obnoxious (at times), spunky, crazy, off the wall, insecure, goofy, romantic, outgoing and cheesy. I really do march to the beat of my own drum. I have a metric shit ton of tattoos, and pink, blue, black and purple hair that I regularly wear in the same piggy tails I did when I was knee high to a grasshopper and missing my two front teeth. I tell stupid ass fucking jokes and there are times where I just make NO damn sense at all. Anyone who can embrace it, enjoy it and appreciate it.. you just scored MAJOR brownie points. I'm a handful.. Like seriously.. I'm a pain in the ass. I make no bones about it! I have an attitude. I can be a bitch. I have my way about doing things and I don't stray from it. BUT.. as long as I'm not provoked or pushed to go into bitch mode, I'm pretty damn awesome. Fuck that, I'm bad ass. And don't mistake that for being conceited. It's taken me a LONG time to be comfortable with who I am.. I think Marilyn Monroe said it best "I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” That shit is right on the money. I pretty much just have this 'fuck you' attitude to anyone who doesn't like the way I am or complains about it. But if you can see past ALLLLLLLLLLLLL that shit and still think the sun shines out of my ass (props to Juno for that little snippet), then you have some cajones and it's all the more reason I'd be inclined to love the shit outta you. 

Given my bad ass attitude, I'm a hopeless romantic. I believe in PDA, pet names, affection (and lots of it).. I am the type of girl who will bend over backwards for the person she loves and as I said before.. I go balls deep and love 110%. I believe in spoiling the person that I am with.. not just monetarily (even though I'm pretty much a broke ass bitch), but emotionally and mentally.. Really any capacity... I am the ultimate giver. Unfortunately, not everyone is like me. And that sucks.. Cause when you don't give someone your best (granted, they have to earn the right to get your best), it's not a fair relationship. I can't give someone all I am and not get the same back. It just doesn't work for me. It's the equivalent to giving a meth head some vicodin. It just ain't the same.. and while it might work a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle bit, it's not going to satisfy that craving/want/need, et cetera... I need someone who is on my level. And why should I have to settle for anything less?

Fuck. I think I went a little off the whole subject. Yay for rambling. :) 

So back to being in love.. There's always that one moment where a fucking light goes off in your head and you are like "OH FUCK. I love this person. I'm IN love with this person." It's that moment of twitterpation. (If you fucktards dont know what twitterpaited is, I suggest you watch some damn Bambi.) Maybe they do something that just blows your mind. Maybe it's waking up next to them and realizing that you could do that for the rest of your life. Maybe it's how they always make sure you get the last little bite of their most favoritest ice cream.. or they let you hold the umbrella when it's raining and they suffer through the whole soaking wet ordeal. Maybe it's the time where you are sick as fucking dog and they don't care.. they just take care of you... Everyone is different. Hell, I'm sure what would make me fall in love with someone isn't what makes you fall in love. I mean, shit, you might fall in love with the way someone wipes their ass. I don't fucking know. But when it happens, you know. 

And fuck your life when it happens. Then you are faced with the whole "Omg-I-just-realized-I-love-this-person,-now-when-the-fuck-do-I-say-it-because-I-don't-wanna-say-it-and-look-like-a-complete-idiot" sitch. Then you go opening your big mouth, saying "I love you" and they just look at you and go "Aww. Thanks" or some fucked up shit like that. If that happens, you just wanna go crawl under a huge ass rock.. Or better yet, you just wanna shoot yourself in the fucking face because you feel like a fucking retard. That's a bitch. Me, personally.. I refuse to say it first. I might know beyond a shadow of a doubt, but I'm not fucking saying it and looking like a jackass. Stupid, right? FUCK that. Now, I've said before.. why hold back on saying something that you might not get to say tomorrow. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah. I know. But still!!!!! Think about it! We spend out whole life making sure we don't make complete asses of ourselves. But saying "I love you" isn't some paltry ass shit! That's life changing kinda crap. 

Ugh. Fucking dilemmas. This is one of those times I hate and love love at the same time. It's so damn complicated but it's the most awesome shit in the fucking world. 

I leave you with one of the most bad ass fucking quotes to ever be said.. 
"Look, in my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person is still going to think the sun shines out your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with." 

I'm out. It's time for an Uncrustable and a YooHoo. FUCK YES.