Thursday, March 1, 2012


"There is no lonelier man in death, except the suicide, than that man who has lived many years with a good wife and then outlived her. If two people love each other there can be no happy end to it." - Ernest Hemingway

OK, not necessarily. Mr. Hemingway, peep this... 

Say I'm married to a fucking awesome person. I love him, he loves me and we have our idea of a perfectly imperfect marriage. Yes, my ass is gonna die. And he will kick the bucket eventually too. And one of you is gonna do it before the other. Sure, that's sad. But what about all the in-between? So what if you are going to end up 6 feet under one day. That doesn't mean that everything in the middle of the beginning and the end was totally in vain. 

So, as we all know, you spend an ample amount of time weeding through all the men/women you come across in your formative years, trying to find the person that you want to annoy for the rest of your life. Once you find them, you snatch their ass up and lay claim to them so that no one else can have what you want. Cool. Then after you take the walk of shame, you're on voluntary lock down. You spend the next 394,875,394,785 years together doing God knows what. 

But that lock down is the best mistake you ever made. You are smitten with them and every other man/woman is just one of those pixelated blobs walking around. You've got tunnel vision when it comes to your spouse. This is the person that you are comfortable with in your own skin. This is the person who would go with you if you wanted to go break dance on a sheet of metal in the middle of an epic storm. This is the person who would still love you if you tried to dye your hair blond and it turned out green and fell out in patches. This is the person who would let you shove Cheetos up your nose and not look at you like you were a complete idiot. This is the person who wouldn't care if you wore flip flops in 234 inches of snow if you were so inclined. This is the person who laughs at your jokes no matter how stupid they are. This is the person with whom you could sleep in the same bed, even though they farted in their sleep and snored like a fucking freight train. This is the person who loves you at your worst but sees all the best things in you and about you.. WHAT about that wouldn't make someone able to die happy?! 

If I had someone who loved me for me, HOW could I die unhappy, knowing that I had a kick ass marriage to a bad ass husband that loved me implicitly?! Impossible. 

Think about the people who die without ever having experienced that kind of love. Dude! They are missing out on some awesome ass shit! I'd be more pissed at myself for never having experienced hard core love! "It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.." (Or something like that..) YES! A-fucking-men. I feel sorry for anyone who has never had that good, true, twitterpaited love. They just don't know what they are missing.

So, eff you, Mr. Hemingway. I bet you were one of those people who died never knowing what it was like to have that kick ass love... Either that or you just got pissed off that your wife died before you and you didn't have anyone to lay in bed with you after sex and make random wildlife noises. No wonder you wrote dumb shit like that.

~FML. First for real blog, and it's an ADD blog. Oh well. Fuck it. Tornado aftermath status, right here, bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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